Support Us

As an independent local charity we receive no central funding so it is the responsibility of the trustees and staff to raise the funds needed to deliver the service safely, effectively and efficiently.

Donate by Shopping Online!

You can help us for FREE when you shop online!

With Easyfundraising

Over 4,000 shops and sites will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them. All you need to do is sign up and remember to use easyfundraising whenever you shop online. It’s easy and completely FREE! These donations really mount up, so please sign up to support us!

Sign up at Easyfundraising to support HSWS when you shop online

Other Ways to Give and Support Home-Start West Somerset

From Donations

  • from individuals
  • from local businesses
  • from community groups
  • from community events
  • from legacies

By Sponsored events

  • Sally and Clare’s run
  • Ali and Christian’s sky dive
  • Simon and Will’s bike ride
  • West Somerset Dad’s sponsored walk

With the ‘Friends of Home-Start West Somerset’

Individuals set up a standing order of £10 (or more) per year and in return receive a quarterly e-newsletter about the work of the charity. Download a becoming a friend leaflet (pdf 650kb) or the becoming a business friend leaflet (pdf 610kb).

From Local fundraising events

  • book sales
  • quiz nights
  • plant sales
  • Easter I-spy
  • raffles
  • and more…

Nominate and Support Home-Start West Somerset in the Somerset West Lottery

Somerset West Lottery is a weekly online lottery. All funds raised go to local good causes that benefit the Taunton Deane and West Somerset communities. Players choose who their ticket supports. They can either support the central Local Community Fund (funds are dispensed to the local community by a committee) or they can choose a specific good cause to support.

You can find out more at or download the Somerset West Lottery guide (pdf 600kb).

By Applications to grant making bodies

We now have three year funding from Hinkley Point C Somerset Community Foundation Fund.

With Contract negotiations

Our strategic aims are:

  • To work together with families living in rural poverty to develop and improve their parenting skills and confidence in order to support their children’s’ early learning and social and emotional development;
  • To support families living in rural poverty through pregnancy, the birth experience and during the first two years of baby’s life – including perinatal, mental health and breastfeeding issues;
  • To improve access to, and coordination of children’s services for parents / carers of children from birth through to engagement with Early Years Services for families living in rural poverty;
  • To improve the home learning environment for families living in rural poverty.

From Local Council and Housing Association support

  • Despite financial pressures Somerset County Council currently continue to support the scheme as they value our work in the community
  • Minehead Town Council have provided grants for specific items
  • Somerset County Councillors support us whenever they are able
  • Magna Housing Association have also given financial support

If you can help with any of the above, please ring the office – we’ll be delighted to speak with you!!!